How About Some Caffeine With That Workout?

 How About Some Caffeine With That Workout?


How About Some Caffeine With That Workout?
How About Some Caffeine With That Workout?

Now, I'll bet you don't think that was a joke. Everyone is aware that caffeine is supposedly unhealthy. 

Why would you want to utilize caffeine in conjunction with your exercise regimen when you hear it so frequently and from so many sources, including doctors?

 Take into account the following before we discount the idea of caffeine as an aid to exercise.

One of the methyl derivatives of Xanthippe is caffeine

Caffeine, the most strong of these landmines and an ingredient in coffee, tea, chocolate, numerous soft drinks, and diet supplements, is found naturally in more than 60 plants.

There is no denying that caffeine improves athletic performance. It has been shown to boost the usage of lipids and carbs for energy, stimulate the central nervous system, and release several hormones involved in metabolic processes.

But, and this is a big but, how you use it is very important in determining whether you'll get the most performance benefits from it.

 To fully understand how caffeine use can benefit your exercise program, take note of the results of numerous studies on the subject.

The results of those studies are as follows:

  •  Explosive athletes compete in short-duration sports like sprints, powerlifting, and ECT. Appear to have no advantages from caffeine consumption.
  • Long-distance bikers, runners, swimmers, etc. are endurance athletes. Can perform better when they utilize caffeine.
  • Caffeine consumption can speed up reaction times.
  • Around 3.0 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight is the recommended dosage. Below that, there is little performance improvement seen, and over that, performance will decline.
  • An athlete's performance improves when they reintroduce caffeine after a period of abstinence.
  • Caffeine has a half-life of about 6 hours in your body, and its effects last about as long.
  • Consuming caffeine increases alertness, decreases drowsiness, and lessens the impression of exhaustion.
  • Given the aforementioned, it would appear advantageous to consume coffee before working out. The increased awareness and reaction time can still be advantageous to sprinters and powerlifters.

Some do not react well to caffeine, it should be noted here

About 20% of people will experience negative effects from caffeine, including heart arrhythmias, frequent urination, insomnia, withdrawal headaches, and caffeine, a form of anxiety. 

Don't consume caffeine if you're among the 20% who experience any of these side effects! These adverse effects are not worth the benefits you receive from it.

Because caffeine causes a 400% increase in stomach acid, it is advised against use if you have ulcers.

One hour before exercise, two cups of coffee are the recommended amount of caffeine.
Overall, using caffeine to enhance exercise performance has some benefits, but it should be taken responsibly. 

Only you can decide whether caffeine will improve your exercise performance and if it is good for you.


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