Dream Books & Dream Interpretation

ACORNS.—To dream of acorns, and that you eat one, denotes you will rise gradually to riches and honor. 

If you do not eat, and throw one on the ground, you will quickly get rich, but another will enjoy your property.

Dream Books & Dream Interpretation
Dream Books & Dream Interpretation

ADULTERY.—To dream books that you have committed it shows great contentions and debates; but to dream you have resisted the temptation, shows victories over your enemies.

ADVERSARIES.— To dream book you meet with an adversary, denotes that you will overcome some obstacle to your happiness—if you are a lover, you will conquer some powerful rival, and be happy.

ASSES. To dream book you ride an ass, that bears your blows, and the more you beat, the slower his pace, denotes that you will be married to a virtuous industrious wife, but your passion will ruin her. 

If the ass mends his pace under your blows, and throws you, she will prove incontinent.

ALIAS.—To dream book meaning you are at the altar, and receive the holy sacrament. 

It is a very unfavourable omen, and denotes many heavies and severe afflictions.

AIR. To dream analysis book 
that you see it cloudy, and afterwards clear and serene, denotes one part of your lifetime will prove unhappy,

the latter part the reverse.

ANGLING.—The dream analysis book you are angling, betokens loose desires in the male; such as seeking opportunities of inveigling some innocent female.

ANGER.— To dream books that you are in a passion and angry with anyone, denotes you have many enemies !if you are in love, be sure that some rival is slandering you to your sweetheart. 

I f you dream you see another in a passion with you; it is more favourable, if you are in love, your sweetheart will fall sick, and you will experience some weighty loss.

ANGELS.— To dream explanation book you see angels, is a sure sign that someone is near you—if a woman with child dreams of them, she will have a good time, perhaps twins.

APPLES.—To dream interpretation dictionary of seeing apples, and they eat sweet and ripe, is a sure sign of prosperity, especially to virgins; if they should eat sour, it signifies much sorrow and unhappiness.

APPAREL.— To dream books that your apparel is proper and suited to the season of the year, denotes prosperity and happiness.

To dream you are dressed in new clothes, is a favourable sign, and portends honour and success in your undertakings.

APPARITION.— So a dream book meaning you see a ghost, is very unfortunate: if it is of a comely aspect, and dressed in white, it shows deceit and temptation to sin ; if you are in love, it is a sign of your not being beloved in turn, and that you are in the habits of friendship with one who is your most inveterate enemy.

ARMS.— To dream analysis book that your arms are withered and decayed, shows that the person will decline in health or fortune; if they appear to be more plump and grow strong, you will meet with unexpected prosperity; if your arms are broken, you will lose some dear friend, by removing to a great distance, if your right arm is cut off, you will lose a near male relation, if to the left, a female.

AUTHORITY.— It is good always for a rich man to think or dream he is in authority.

BACON.— To dream of bacon, denotes the death of some friend or relation, and that enemies will endeavour to do you a mischief ; in love, it denotes disappointment and discontent.

BARLEY-BREAD.— To dream of eating barley-bread, betokens health and great comfort to the dreamer.

BOAT.— To dream you are in a boat on clear water, is very good, and indicates joy and prosperity.

BULLOCK.— To dream a bullock pursues you, beware of some powerful enemy, particular if the dreamer is a female: It is a cow, a female is an enemy.

BATHING.— To dream interpretation dictionary you bathe, and the water seems clear, you are sure to prosper, everything will be well with yo u ; but if the Sow. 

Water appears muddy, you will be apt to meet with shame and BED. 

To dream that you are in bed, implies that he or she will be married at the end of the month.

To dream you see a great quantity of loaves, denotes success in life. To dream that you are eating good bread, denotes many friends. BEES. 

To dream they sting you, denotes loss of good character, and if you are in love, of your sweetheart.

B ALL. The dream explanation book of dancing at a ball denotes that you will be addressed by a lover ; the prospect will be a momentary pleasure, he will become your husband to a certainty BURIED. 

The dream yourself or friend is buried, for tells a serious fit of illness.

CHURCH. To dream books that you are in church, and that the parson and pulpit are in white, and that he preaches a sermon to your taste, you will soon be married. I f the parson is in black, and the congregation sing a hymn, it denotes grief.

CATS. I f a man dreams of a cat, and he caresses her, and she scratches him, his sweetheart is a spiteful termagant. If a female.

Dreams of a cat that acts similarly, she may rest assured that she has a rival.

CLOCK. I f you dream the clock falls or breaks, it denotes danger, especially to the sick

It is always better to dream of counting the hours of the forenoon than the afternoon.

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